- Neve 2065 -2099
- correction modules
- 2065 - High Pass / Low Pass
- 2066 - Gram. Amp
- 2067 - Telephone Distortion
Simulator "Tele Distort"
- 2068 - Equalizer [10Kohm input]
- 2069 - Equalizer [with Mixing
- 2070 - Sliding Notch Filter
- 2071 - High Pass / Low Pass
Filter [with Mixing Amp]
- 2072 - Sliding Notch Filter
- 2073 - Equalizer [with Mixing
- 2074 - Equalizer [Standard 10Kohm
- 2075 - High Pass / Low Pass
Filter [as 2065 but with BA194/A]
- 2076 - Equalizer [as 1077 with
Mixing Amp]
- 2077 - HP/LP 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7.5 KHz, 550, 600, 700, 800, 900Hz
- 2078 - Notch Filter - Sharp
- 2079 - Academy Pre-Emphasis
3 position
- 2080 - Passive Tele Distort
[use with 1271]
- 2081 - Notch Filter [Supercedes
2072 and 2078]
- 2082 - HP/LP Filter
- ER10035
- 31267/S, B182/T1285, B194F/T1285,
- 2087 - mastering equalizer
- dual channel - 4 band + HP/LP
- based on BA312 motherboard -
as used in 1081
- uses BA306, BA338, BA440, BA451
- EB20128/A1 - BLOCK
- ER10039/A3 - CIRCUIT
- ML32086/A3 - FRONT PANEL